Used in permaculture garden, the vegetable garden called “to lasagna” is raised above-ground level, thanks to a above-ground structure that containing of itself, or simply due to an accumulation of organic and natural soil.

We made this vegetable garden piling logs, compost derived from the garden, worms’ fertilizer, topsoil, straw and some cardboard…

In that kind of garden we experience synergies among the vegetables, planting plants that are friends each other as marigold, calendula, herbs and flowers. Garden vegetables, grown in a natural way, enrich the vegetarian cuisine of the house.

Why cultivate the lasagna garden? There are many advantages:

  1. Easy maintenance: the orchard floor facilitates the planting and the caring of vegetables
  2. Savings: irrigation is reduced through the use of mulch that is spread among the vegetables thus keeping the soil moist.
  3. Savings: irrigation is reduced through the use of mulch that is spread among the vegetables thus keeping the soil moist.
  4. Manure, compost, mulch can be distributed in a targeted manner and without waste
  5. Reduce infest always thanks to mulching and planting dense vegetables
  6. Increased productivity derived from planting more and more dense vegetables
  7. More varieties of plants, thanks to soil conditions that can be varied in each bed, creating the opportunity to grow plants that like soil characteristics such as a different acid soil, drainage increased, a specific orientation…
  8. Better drainage because the soil around the plants will not be stepped on, ideal in case of clay soils
  9. Improvement of crop time, for example, you can lengthen the period of cultivation because the raised beds tend to warm up first in spring and remain productive for longer
  10. Minor damage by pests. The creation of biodiversity means less damage by pests to vegetables thanks to the synergy of plants planted in the garden, like antiparasitic, plants that attract beneficial insects, herbs and flowers
  11. Versatility: the vegetable garden can become an aesthetic element very nice, useful to exploit the productivity in tight spaces even in the house. If the latter is well done even disabled people can take care it